Friday, February 11, 2011


New! The Internet Library Is Going "Kindle"

One of the exciting developments in recent days is the increasing popularity of Amazon's Kindle e-Reader. They say that readers are buying more Kindle editions than hardcovers and the numbers are increasing every day.

We have seen the need to provide Kindle editions of our eBooks in the Internet Library and this is going to save you a lot of money.
If you are a Premium member, download your copy and start enjoying it right away.  If you are still a free member, this is a great time to upgrade. It will only cost you $17 per annum. 

You are going to find lots of absolutely super Kindle editions without any extra outlay of cash.  And if you don't yet own a Kindle, the PDF editions will still be there for you to enjoy! 

Val Waldeck & Val Mitchell
The Internet Library – Info At Your Fingertips