Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby Boomers why dont you work online?

As we know, we all live very different lives with so many different situations.

Those of us that are Baby Boomers should be on Pension now but with the Financial Situation in the World at the moment it is getting near impossible.  Even if you are not a Baby Boomer, it is getting increasingly difficult to find a job.  There is great unemployment in the World right now.  For those of you who cant find a job – why don’t you find a business online?  There are a lot of businesses to choose from and I am sure that you could find something online that would suit you!

We HAVE to make money to survive or live better lives

In the Internet Library we have 2 (at the moment) great EBooks for Baby Boomers :

1.    THE BABY BOOMER’S GUIDE TO ONLINE INCOME - How to find your money-making online.

2.    ULTIMATE BABY BOOMERS GUIDE – to living a long, prosperous and healthy life.

Both of these EBooks will give you great advice on how to make money online and also how to keep yourself healthy.

Do yourself a favour and hurry on over to the Internet Library :



Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Working at home!

I have just been to the dentist and came home with a sore mouth, BUT, thankfully, I work from home so that makes it easier for me than having to have to go back to a job with a boss.  I can make myself something to eat and drink and even rest if I want to.


I have worked at home for several years now, but sometimes it is not that easy!

Life happens and there are always interruptions : family, dogs, cats – all want your attention and most people don’t believe that you work at all as you are at home most of the time!

If you don’t have a normal ‘day job’ we are usually the first ones to be called upon when people need a favour.  Its not that you don’t want to help but you have work to do and this can really be disrupting.


For those of you that have small children, it can even cause more of a problem.  It might even be easier to get some help or you will find that you can get nothing done.


Most of us use our computers for both personal and business.  That makes it even more difficult – we are quizzy by nature so find ourselves reading the jokes that come via email and then send them on to our friends!  When you are working from home, time management can be quite a challenge.


Something else happens when you work from home. You find yourself just sitting in front of your computer all day, only getting up to make a cuppa and to grab a bite to eat.  Gone is the thought of exercise!

Thank heavens, we run the Internet Library and there is even a book there which can help you with this.  Its called “Computer Health Strategies”

Hurry on over to the Internet Library at and see some of the books we have there.


Well, its time to get back to the grindstone!!!




Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Marketing your Business!

Here is a little advice about marketing your business.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to get your people’s attention today.  I’m afraid that it is easy to see why!  Everyday we are consistantly bombarded with hundreds, if not thousands, of advertising emails via email.  There are adverts in magazines, on TV and even on billboards along our main roads. No wonder that after a while, our brain shuts them out and we ignore most of them.


If you want your ad to catch a persons eye, then you have to make the headline stand out.  That is what catches the imagination and gets the person curious about what is being advertised.


My advice to you is to read as many books as you can on the subject – get ideas – and implement them daily.


Being constantly persistant will get you there.


Why don’t you hurry on over to The Internet Library – – as there are stacks of Ebooks there to help you with all aspects of your marketing.

It is the only Library where you get to keep your books!!!

